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  • Разрешение споров
  • Обработка гражданского иска
  • Регистрация, признание и исполнение судебных и арбитражных решений


Это юридическая процедура, которая положит конец правовым или религиозным отношениям супружеской пары после разрыва. Семейные суды на Кипре обладают юрисдикцией в отношении как гражданских, так и религиозных свадеб. Процедура одинаковая, с той лишь разницей, что в случае религиозной свадьбы уведомление за 3 месяца до подачи заявления о разводе должно быть отправлено компетентному епископу. Пара любого гражданства может подать на развод в Кипрский суд по семейным делам, если пара или один из них проживают на Кипре не менее 3 месяцев подряд.

We represent accident victims who have been injured as a result of someones else negligence. Our aim is to settle out of Court as fast as possible and at the same time to secure all clients interests.

The client is completing a form regarding the details of the accident and we advice accordingly.  The victim of the accident is entitled to general and specific damages compensation.

We carry on all the communication – negotiation with the insurance companies. The big majority of our cases are settled out of Court and we advice clients to proceed with Court action if the amount offered for compensation is not fair, taking in consideration the time needed for a Court procedure to be completed.


It is lawful for every person to dispose of by his will the whole or any part of the disposable portion. No Will made by any person who is not of sound mind or has not completed the age of 18 y.o shall be valid.

No Will also shall be valid unless be in writing, signed at the foot or end thereof by the testator, or by some other person on his behalf, in his present and by his direction.

Such signature shall be made or acknowledged by the testator in the presence of at least 2 witnesses at the same time, and such witnesses shall attest and shall subscribe the Will in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other, but no form of attestation shall be necessary, and if the Will consists of more than one sheet of paper, each sheet shall be signed or initialed by or on behalf  of the testator and the witnesses.

The witnesses shall be persons who have completed the age of 18 y.o, are sound of mind and able to sign their names.

A company may be wound up by the Court:

a) The Company has decided so with a special resolution

b) Failure to deliver to the Registrar of Companies the institutional report or the convergence of a constituent assembly

c) The Company did not begin its work within one year from the establishment or suspend its work for a full year

d) The number of members falls below seven in the case of a public Company

e) The Company is unable to pay its debts *

f) The Court is of the opinion that it is fair and consistent with the law of grace to dissolve the Company.

g) The SE fails to remedy the situation in accordance with the article 64 of Council Regulation No 2157/ 2001

*According to the article 212 of the Companies Law a Company is unable to pay its debts :

1) If  a creditor by assignment or otherwise, owned to him by the Company an amount exceeding 5.000 EUROS, handed to the register office of the Company a claim that requires the Company to pay for the amount, and the Company for the next three weeks has neglected to pay, secure or settle the amount.

2) If execution or other or other proceedings taken by Court order for the benefit of the creditor of the Company, is returned totally or partially unsatisfied.

3) If it is shown to the satisfaction of the Court that the Company is unable to pay its debts at the time they become payable, and the Court takes into account the potential and future liabilities of the Company.

4) If it is shown to the satisfaction of the Court that the value of the assets of the Company is less than the amount of its liabilities, taking into account its potential and future liabilities.

  • Application from the creditor : Dept of at least 15.000 EURO / Amount cleared / The bankruptcy act on which the application is based occurred within 6 months of the filling of the application / The debtor is domiciled in Cyprus.
  • Application from the debtor : Dept of at least 15.000 EURO / These debts are not secured and referred to fixed amounts that must be paid immediately or within a specified time limit.